Friday, March 6, 2020

Heads up Guys 5 Signs Shes into You

Heads up Guys 5 Signs Shes into You Courtesy of There are millions of questions running through your mind after the first date with Ms. Perfect. Is she interested or is she not? Is she playing hard to get or is she just not that into you? Is she sending you signals of “get away from me now,” or possibly, “Try harder, stupid?” Although she already went with you once, you are having a difficulty deciphering the  signs of love. 1) Tease Snide remarks such as “Are you gay…? (giggling), or “So you think you can pull off any look, huh?” may sound  awful, coming from the mouth of your Ms. Perfect. Teasing in a fun, endearing way, however, is actually a huge sign  showing her interest in you without embarrassing herself or, better yet, a sign showing that she wants you to try harder! A little bit of unconscious self-touching on her part that complements with the playful teasing is an even better sign. 2) Smiles Smiles she wears around you is a sign more convincing than anything that she is interested in you. Likewise, laughing at your stupid jokes is another good sign that she wants to get close to you and build a relationship! 3) Eye movements While it sounds ridiculously difficult to stare into her eyes and catch a glimpse of yourself at a dimly lit romantic restaurant, what’s more obvious is to see if she’s staring at you in a triangular pattern. According to Tracey Cox, author of  Hot Relationships: How to Have One, a triangular pattern refers to looking first from one eye, followed by  lips, chest, and then traveling back up to another eye. You know you’re golden when she looks at you in a triangular pattern a couple of times in one date. 4) Touchy touchy touchy! 55% of all human communications is nonverbal. Translation: body language is all that matters. Stroking, gentle push, tap on a shoulder or even hitting is a good sign. Some girls will use physical contact to flirt without looking too desperate. 5) Questions questions questions! When a girl is interested in you, she will bombard with millions of questions: “She’ll ask everything about youâ€"your work, your childhood, your likes and dislikes,” says Janice Hoffman, the author of Relationship Rules. Do not peek at her cleavage while she’s talking. Listen and respond!! So when you open your mouth, you can say something better than “you have such great curves!” The classy gossip girl quote: “three words, eight letters, say it and I’m yours.” Now that you have made sure whether your crush is into you, you may want to take another step forward and make her yours! Good luck!

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